Sunday, February 17, 2013

This Seat's Taken: AP Lit, February 19, 2013

Ever wonder who's really grading all of your essays?

Here he is grading the good essays...

And here he is grading the not-so-good essays...

He says he apologizes for the slow turn-around time, but he is still trying to learn the alphabet.  English is tricky!

Focus: Indulging in a collection of poetry

1. Announcements!

2. Warm-up: A little poetic inspiration from Mr. Keating

3. Using the MMMM approach to understand a James Wright poetry collection

Please mark up each poem as you read it.  Small groups will discuss each poem "save the last line" style.

"Autumn Begins..." : Moments
"A Blessing": Moments and Movement
"Redwings": Moments, Movement, and Multiple Meanings
"Lying in a Hammock...": Moments, Movement, and Multiple Meanings

Moment: Which moments in each stanza make you pause and why? After marking them based on intuition, unravel which devices are subtly at work, commanding your attention.

Movement: Where does there seem to be movement/shifts?  Lack of movement?  Repetition?

Multiple Meanings: Try to find a pattern among the moments and movements you have discussed.  Right now, your thoughts may largely be taking on the form of questions.

Large group discussion: How do reading these poems together offer a new meaning to any/all of the poems? In other words, how do these poems collectively tell a story?

1.Prepare for tomorrow's Socratic seminar, which will cover the first half of Ch 1 in Part 2.  For your reading ticket, which you're not going to turn in until the end of Part 2, I'd like you to put together a timeline in which you figure out the exact chronology of events as they actually happened (NOT the order in which Morrison presents them).

2. You need to have "finalized" your poem for your project/paper by Thursday; remember that you need a poem that's part of a collection by the author.  We will meet in the library computer lab this Thursday for our metacognitive writing on the poem.

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